General Conditions

1 - Purchasing on

The products purchased on are sold by s.r.l., a company registered on the Register of Companies of Milan since 13/06/2008 with Italian VAT Reg n. 06217660965. s.r.l. provides the company Kover Srl (owner of Milano Bedding brands) with services of digital intermediation with the aim to integrate Web (this portal) and Retail (Milano Bedding Partner Retailers). s.r.l. registered office is located in Via Nazionale dei Giovi 274, Lentate sul Seveso (MB) 20823, while s.r.l. operational office is located in Via Gianfranco Miglio 1 (corner via Nazionale dei Giovi), Lentate sul Seveso (MB), 20823.

The prices shown in the Quote page are in Euro and usually include the Italian VAT; the same Total shown in the Quote is then included in the order form that Customers have to confirm to conclude the contract.
The aim of this page is not to represent all company procedures: for this kind of information we suggest you to read the specific pages (About Us, Prices and Payments, Shipping and Delivery, FAQs, Legal Information and Privacy).


2 - Buying Procedure

1. To proceed with a purchase of one or more products on it is necessary to submit Milano Bedding Store online order form
2. The contract is completed when Milano Bedding Store receives the order form - filled with all details - and the payment. In case the Order has been placed by an operator of our Customer Care on behalf of the Customer, the contract is considered completed upon the reception of the payment; the Customer must check carefully every information contained in the Order Confirmation.
3. In the unlikely event that, after receiving an Order, a product turns out to be unavailable, Milano Bedding Store will proceed with the refund of the payment already received.
4. By placing the Order customers accept to submit to all the General Selling Terms and Conditions stated in this page.
5. The online selling contract between Customer and Supplier is intended to be concluded in Italy and ruled by Italian law.
6. In case Customers do not accept all General Selling Terms and Conditions, they are asked not to forward the order but to contact Milano Bedding Store staff for clarifications.


3 - Order Changes

Order changes are guaranteed as long as the production has not started yet, production will start as soon as the payment has been received. After that, you can still request Milano Bedding Store to make changes to your order, but we cannot guarantee that it will be possible; they will be authorized depending on the progress of the production process.
The billing information indicated at the moment of the order can be modified only until the invoice has been issued.


4 - Shipping and Delivery

Milano Bedding always asks for customers' availability to receive the supply, before proceeding with the shipment. Shipments must be authorised within 15 days from the moment of the reception of the form by email; if no authorisation has been received within the aforementioned time, possible costs for the stock of goods or a second shipping will be charged to the buyer.
The delivery will be arranged only after the full amount of the order has been paid, it is carried out by furniture specialized carriers, and Customers are constantly updated via email or phone calls.
For more information, please visit the Shipping and Delivery page.


5 - Shipping Costs

The "Delivery Services" Box inside the Quote page allows to calculate the Discounted Price including the delivery service selected and, if available, the assembly service.
For orders with a total amount lower than € 1.000,00, the Price includes a delivery fee (for Ground Floor Delivery and Delivery with Assembly).
The Delivery with Assembly service is available only if a Partner Retailer is located in the area.

Standard fees do not apply to Special Localities (you can find exhaustive examples in our Shipping and Delivery page): at the moment of the Order Milano Bedding Store will check customers' delivery address and inform them of possible additional fees for Special Localities (in this case the customer has the faculty not to confirm the Order).


6 - Delivery Times

Production Times are intended as merely estimates based on previous orders of the same product type: waiting periods are normally included in a 5 - 6 week time for production and delivery.

In consideration of the nature of our products, "manufactured or acquired specifically for the Customer" (nature characterizing ALL products sold on Milano Bedding Store) the law provides an "additional period of time appropriate to the circumstances" within which a possible manufacturing delay is to be considered "appropriate according to circumstances". Milano Bedding Store commits to deliver supplies within 30 (thirty) days from the time agreed upon with the Customer (Delivery Times stated on the website which can be viewed before the purchase): after this period the Customer can terminate the contract without charges and Milano Bedding Store will proceed with the refund of the paid amount (for orders including more products which are not coordinated or that belong to different collections, the Customer can terminate the purchase only of the products which have been delayed).

Milano Bedding Store Customer Service constantly update Customers on the status of their order: if the Customer, who has been promptly informed about the delay, accepts to wait for the products within the first additional 30 days period, he will not be able to terminate the contract before another 30-day time span.
Milano Bedding Store constantly work to respect the estimated times, trying to reduce them when possible. We suggest you to check product cards as well as our Shipping and Delivery page for all information about average times and contact our Customer Care before purchasing in case Delivery Times are fundamental to your decision.

Please notice that all productions and deliveries planned close to Christmas or summer vacations could be consistently delayed due to the peculiarity of these periods (even the slightest delay can postpone the deadline until the re-opening in January and September).


7 - Products Not Available

Milano Bedding Store constantly works to keep its online catalogue up-to-date. Because of the great number of products and collections we offer, it may rarely happen that some options are not available anymore. In these cases Milano Bedding Store will promptly inform its customers who can decide whether to change the order or to claim for a refund of the amount already transferred.
In case of supplies composed of more than one product, the refund will concern only the item not available; obviously we will consider every case separately, in case of a possible complementarity of the items.

Only for Ireland and the United Kingdom: UK regulations on fire-resistance require upholstered products to comply to standards stricter than the ones in force in the rest of the European Union. We recommend our customers to contact our Customer Service in advance for information on products availability, possible surcharges and consider the options available.


8 - Limit of Use

Milano Bedding Store staff constantly works to keep all information on the website updated. At the same time, due to the huge load of developed contents, it's possible for you to find inaccuracies.

It's our daily responsibility to keep the website as accurate as possible but it is also customer's responsibility to verify the truthfulness of all those details considered fundamental for their satisfaction and necessary in order to proceed with the purchase. Here follow a few representative examples:
- if they need to match products with others already owned, Customers must verify the matching of the items and the colour combinations;
- for products with dimensions slightly inferior to the available space, Customers are invited to contact us in order to verify dimensions and ask for advices regarding dimensions criteria;
- for those rare cases where Product Cards have discrepancies in different parts of the card itself, we'd like to point out that Customers must read the entire Product Card
- in case of Product Cards with a "Digital Samples Page" (photos of finishes and colours samples) Customers must observe the Samples with care in order to evaluate how the "definition" of a certain material or finish, found inside the Product Card, is translated in terms of aesthetics in the Digital Samples page and therefore in reality.
About the material samples, we remind you that the colour and texture of every natural material (wood, leather, stone, ...) change from piece to piece due to the variable outcome of each material.

The layered navigation (the instrument you find in the left column of each category which helps you sort products) is to be intended as a mere support to the selection of the desired item: labels present in these attributes may not represent the exact characteristics of the item; therefore customers have to rely upon the description of the single product cards.

Milano Bedding Store staff check the correctness of product prices as soon as we receive the order confirmations from the production in the days after the purchase and payment.
In case of rare mistakes or inconveniences, should the indicated price be inferior to the correct selling price, Milano Bedding Store reserves the right to take on the difference or to contact the Customer to check if he/she still wants to purchase the product at the correct price (otherwise, the Order won't be accepted and the already paid amount will be returned).
Should the correct price of a product be inferior to the one indicated, Milano Bedding Store will notify it to the Customer, re-crediting the difference.

The manufacturer Kover Srl, owner company of Milano Bedding brand, constantly works to improve the offered products, for this reason they reserve the right to modify technical features or sizes without notice in case those changes affect only slightly the aesthetic aspect of the products as well as their use / ergonomics. Also please take into consideration a certain margin in the dimensions of all upholstered products (the sizes of a product may vary according to the measured part and also due to the handicraft manufacturing of the padding; differences in terms of "a few centimetres" are considered normal).


9 - Right of Withdrawal

Customers have the right to withdraw any kind of distance contract, without penalties and without giving reason, within a 14 (fourteen) days period starting from the day of the delivery at the address provided at the moment of the order.
The right of withdrawal does not apply to supplies of products which are "non-prefabricated, made on the basis of an individual choice of or decision by the consumer" (Directive 2011/83/UE of the European Parliament) and to "custom-made or clearly customized products" (art. 59 Legislative Decree 21/2014): due to the highly customizable nature of our collections and to the manufacturing processes mainly made upon commission, the Right of Withdrawal cannot be applied on any order placed on Milano Bedding Store (wiht the exception of orders regarding some "outlet" products).
For more information please contact our Customer Service before the purchase or in any case before the order is put into production. For more information, please read our Right of Withdrawal page.


10 - Possible Anomalies After Delivery

This point shows the assistance provided by our Customer Service in the days following the delivery: these procedures do not by any means limit Warranty Rights which are acknowledged by the Consumers Code (view point n°11), but they have to be intended as a common ground where Customers can receive the best possible assistance.

With the customer's interest in mind, in case of issues concerning the supplied items, our Customer Service will verify the overall process throughout the different stages performed by the different players (from manufacturing up to the proper use of the products) in order to identify responsibilities. These "players" are:
- Kover Srl as manufacturer of the product;
- s.r.l. as seller;
- the carrier company appointed by s.r.l. for the shipment (of which s.r.l. takes responsibility by resorting to the insurance against transport damages if needed be);
- the Partner Retailers that provides its services for the specific transaction;
- the Customer himself who receives the supply (and if needed moves the packages inside the house and proceed with the assembly).

During the unloading, assembly and the period immediately after the conclusion of the assembly process, Customers are bound to follow every step of our Procedure for the Reception and Verification of the Products: in this way they will receive the best assistance possible from our Customer Service thus resulting completely covered both in case of manufacturing defects and transport damages (which are not frequent but neither impossible).
In case a Customer does not follow all the steps stated in the Procedure it may not be possible to properly assign the responsibility regarding the specific issue. In some cases we may ask the Customer to contribute to the possible replacement costs: Milano Bedding Store always works with the satisfaction of its customers in mind, reserving the right to consider each case singularly.
Basically, this procedure serves the purpose to confirm our Customer Service that specific issues have not be caused by the customer himself (or a delegated person): each procedure has been specifically thought to protect in the most effective way our Customers.

The replacement of damaged or faulty parts requires slightly inferior or even the same times as the ones needed for production, since most of the products are custom-made and Delivery Terms remain the same as well.
The replacement process starts once we receive the photographic documentation that must be sent to us soon after the delivery. Milano Bedding Store works as quickly as possible in order to reduce waiting times. In case a product is replaced Milano Bedding Store informs the customer if the damaged part has to be returned: if this is not required, it is up to the Customer to dispose of the damaged parts; if instead they have to be returned, customers have the responsibility to adequately pack the elements in their original packages to avoid damages (Milano Bedding Store will provide by email the necessary labels to print and attach to each single package).


11 - Warranty

Our products are delivered with a regular sales invoice valid for a 3 years warranty (with the exception of Kuboletto, Divaletto and Booklet which have a 2 year warranty) on all manufacturing defects, issued by s.r.l. according to the Italian Consumers Code; for all purchases with an invoice issued to a company or to a professional with VAT number, the warranty will be valid for 1 year. The 3 years warranty is not applied to "Outlet" products coming from Photo Shoots, Fairs, TV Studios and the Manufacturer Showrooms, because they belong to the "used products" category which by law have a 1 year warranty, valid for all non aesthetic defects.
Products have to be used properly, in compliance with their intended use, and well maintained: packages always include a technical sheet with related indications; should it not be present, Customers have the responsibility to contact our Customer Service. In case the replacement or repairing of a product is needed, Customers have the responsibility to adequately pack the elements to be returned to avoid further damages and to pay for the return of the product; costs related to the repair (for materials and labour) and shipping back the product will be charged to Milano Bedding Store.
The increasing extension of warranty times both in advertising campaigns and in business trading, has created unreal length expectations, in contrast with the product real potential and life-span: we believe in the real value of warranties, which represent a real protection for Customers on collections designed and produced to last for a time much longer than the warranty terms.


12 - Privacy Policy

This is an informative notice on the treatment of personal data according to art. 13 of legislative decree 196/03 (namely Privacy Code) directed to the users of our website. This notice is not valid for other websites that can be reached and consulted through links found on this website of which s.r.l. is not to be held responsible. The organisation in charge for the processing of personal data belonging to identified or identifiable subjects, and processed due to the use of this website, is s.r.l. via Nazionale dei Giovi 274, Lentate sul Seveso (MB). The processing of personal data connected with this website is treated by s.r.l. and by s.r.l. employees. Personal information given by the users which request our services will only be used in order to supply those services. They will not be forwarded to third parties with the exception of those cases where the passing of information is imposed by the law or strictly necessary because connected to the fulfilment of the services requested. For more information see the About Us page that includes the informative notice on the Privacy Policy and the Processing of Personal Data .


13 - Cookie Policy

No cookies are used to transmit personal information, nor are so-called persistent cookies or user tracking systems implemented. Milano Bedding Store uses technical cookies only – including the Web Analytics ones – which by law do not have to be noticed to the customer because their only aim is the correct functioning of the website. For more information visit our Cookie Policy page.


14 - Information on Electronic Invoices

Starting January the 1st, 2019 in Italy there's the obligation to exclusively issue electronic invoices, for this reason the invoice will be immediately transmitted to the Italian Revenue Exchange System (SDI). When you place the order you will be asked some data which are necessary to proceed with the invoicing, which are Fiscal Code for privates if resident in Italy, date and place of birth for foreign private customers and VAT tax number for companies. All invoicing data inserted at the moment of the order can not be modified once the invoice has been issued, which means at the moment of the payment. The invoice will be directly transmitted to Italian Revenue Exchange System (SDI) which proceeds with its formal verifications, we will then send the invoice - in .pdf format - to the customer by email. In case the invoice is discarded due to the presence of wrong data it will be necessary to communicate new data within 5 days from the notification. A discarded invoice will be considered as not issued and Milano Bedding Store is bound to ask the correction of these data to the Customer, in case of a lack of reply or missing data Milano Bedding Store reserves the right to proceed with the issue of a bill receipt (instead of an invoice) to justify the payment received.